Pre Conference Workshop


09:00 - 16:30 Room C4.8, Level 4, Convention Centre, ICC Sydney


with Professor Michael F Steger, pioneering psychologist and researcher into how leading a meaningful life contributes to wellbeing, USA

Workshop Outline
In this workshop we will explore the building blocks of purpose in life and you will be guided to write your own, personal purpose in life statement. You will learn about some of the research and theory behind meaning and purpose in life and put it into application right away. We will examine strengths, values, elements of mindfulness, and the science of meaning, with activities and tools for each element to help you craft more purpose in your life.

A. Participants will learn about the best that is within themselves and other participants
B. Participants will learn how to create a dynamic personal purpose statement that captures their vision of a worthy life
C. Participants will learn how to use their personal purpose statements to infuse everyday life with meaning.
D. Participants will participate in numerous reflective and constructive practices to learn more about themselves and to activate purpose

Professor Michael Steger

with Professor Michael F Steger, pioneering psychologist and researcher into how leading a meaningful life contributes to wellbeing, USA